Our crawlers discovered that a lone page on wrs04.tripod.com took seven hundred and fifty milliseconds to download. Our crawlers could not find a SSL certificate, so I consider wrs04.tripod.com not secure.
We caught that this website is employing the Squeegit/1.2.5 (3_sir) server.HTML TITLE
The United States MarinesDESCRIPTION
Frequently asked questions concerning Hitlers Third Reich, WW1, WW2, and The Holocaust.PARSED CONTENT
The web page wrs04.tripod.com states the following, "153; condemns racism in all of its forms and manifestations." The meta header had Adolph Hitler as the first optimized keyword. This keyword is followed by Czechoslovakia, propaganda, and world war two which isn't as urgent as Adolph Hitler. The other words wrs04.tripod.com used was Cardinal Clemens von Galen. propaganda posters is included but will not be viewed by search parsers.