Our crawlers discovered that a lone page on rfduplicator.tripod.com took two hundred and sixty-five milliseconds to download. Our crawlers could not find a SSL certificate, so I consider rfduplicator.tripod.com not secure.
We caught that this website is employing the Squeegit/1.2.5 (3_sir) server.HTML TITLE
WELCOME TO RF DUPLICATOR SITE. REMEMBER IF YOU USE THIS CHEAT MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE A LVL 40 BECAUSE IT WILL NOT WORK IF YOU ARE IN BELOW THAT LEVEL. HERE ARE THE CHEATS. Your experience in this game will be added a points of 20,000 - 50,000. You will be given a rare items for guardian and not guardian but it will be only as good as 5weeks. After 5 weeks your rare items will be loss. Your GOLD will become 50-100 million. THOSE ARE THE CHEAT.HOPE YOU LIKE IT! LOG - IN YOUR ACCOUNT HERE.PARSED CONTENT
The web page rfduplicator.tripod.com states the following, "REMEMBER IF YOU USE THIS CHEAT MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE A LVL 40 BECAUSE IT WILL NOT WORK IF YOU ARE IN BELOW THAT LEVEL." I saw that the website also said " Your experience in this game will be added a points of 20,000 - 50,000." They also said " You will be given a rare items for guardian and not guardian but it will be only as good as 5weeks. After 5 weeks your rare items will be loss. Your GOLD will become 50-100 million. HOPE YOU LIKE IT! LOG - IN YOUR ACCOUNT HERE."