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Doctors Nurses Specialists Surgeons Professionals. Save document turnaround time Dictate directly into any. Dragon Medical Edition 2 BUNDLE. Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2.
Friday, August 3, 2007. يحتوي هذا القاموس على أكثر من ألفي كلمة مع شرحها و مقابلها باللغة العربية. وقد استندنا في تعريب هذه المصطلحات أو ترجمتها إلى مراجع مختلفة. ويستفاد من هذه المصطلحات أيضا في ترجمة المقالات الطبية المتعلقة بالأمراض. و نأمل أن يكون هذا القاموس مرجعا مفيدا لكم. The dislocation of a joint. An inability to walk for which no physical cause can be identified.
A casual medical glossary? No no We are the most complete online medical terms dictionary on the Internet. Search or browse for medical terminology and definitions here and be overwhelmed how much we know. Please click a letter to proceed to more terms. Alphabetical Reference to Medical Terms and Definitions. 2007, 2008 Medical Dictionary Online.
Has over 22,000 medical and health related terms. The Medical Dictionary has descriptions for various medical terms, pharmaceutical drugs, health conditions, healthcare equipment, and medical devices. We add new definitions to our medical dictionary frequently, and if you want to contribute a medical term definition, please contact us. If you like the site bookmark it. And let your friends know about it. Our Medical Dictionary is fully searchable and you can browse it using the Alphabetical links below.
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