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Dimecres, 9 de setembre de 2009. Aquí teniu una eina que volem sigui útil per a vosaltres en la nova etapa que enceteu. Què tingueu un bon començament de curs! .
ROMNEY DECLARED WINNER IN INCREDIBLY CLOSE RACE. In a surprise vote of 89-88, Republican candidate Governor Mitt Romney won the election for President of the United States this afternoon. President Barack Obama is considered likely to ask for a recount, though this has not be confirmed. In such a close election, every vote counts.
Preserving, Promoting and Protecting the Legacy. For inquiries contact us at. Lifeblood of our organization! You can volunteer in different areas of your interest.
Incident on the High Seas. HMCS Kootenay Info and other items. THIS WEBSITE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED. On October 23, 1969,. A tragic explosion and fire in the engine room. Of HMCS Kootenay took the lives of nine seamen.