Our crawlers discovered that a lone page on dianinar.tripod.com took eight hundred and twenty-eight milliseconds to download. Our crawlers could not find a SSL certificate, so I consider dianinar.tripod.com not secure.
We caught that this website is employing the Squeegit/1.2.5 (3_sir) server.HTML TITLE
The New Addition to Our Family. Photo PageSome Favorite Photos. Sometimes life gives us persimmons and its up to us to make JAM! My son James and Steve. At our houswarming in June. An album featuring family and friends. A fire took away everything in April, starting all over. Paula and I at a scrapbooking workshop 629. We talked half the night before. My oldest and youngest grandchildren. These are flowers that my grandmother once grew. My sister Terri and I. At the Blues Fest in 2001. Im just beginn.PARSED CONTENT
The web page dianinar.tripod.com states the following, "The New Addition to Our Family." I saw that the website also said " Sometimes life gives us persimmons and its up to us to make JAM! My son James and Steve." They also said " At our houswarming in June. An album featuring family and friends. A fire took away everything in April, starting all over. Paula and I at a scrapbooking workshop 629. We talked half the night before. My oldest and youngest grandchildren. These are flowers that my grandmother once grew. My sister Terri and I. At the Blues Fest in 2001."