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We provide various computer programs, Audio CDs, children DVD and books that will teach you how to read, write, and speak in Amharic FAST. Our programs are suitable for people of all ages, background and skill levels. We have over 18 years of experience and we are the market leader in Amharic tutorial products! Amharic is the most commonly used language in Ethiopia. Select from one of the following options to get started. ShopFactory shopping cart software powers Home .
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Meet other local people who want to learn, teach and practice Amharic, the main language of Ethiopia. Put this list on your website. Speak Deutsch, Français, Korean, Italiano y Español! Want to meet new, fun people AND nourish your love for a certain language and culture? Middot; Korean Language. Middot; New In Town. Middot; Multi-Languages Exchanges Party.
Amharic Bible in MP3 - Bible in Amharic - Free Download. The Amharic Audio Non-Drama New Testament is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible presented by Faith Comes By Hearing. Amharic Bible - Free MP3 Download. News from Faith Comes By Hearing. See How Audio Bibles are Impacting the World! .
The Smartest Amharic Keyboard ever built for iOS. Type Amharic easily and quickly with Abyssinica Amharic Keyboard on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The most reliable Amharic Keyboard for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Read and Write Amharic in any App on your iOS device. Send Email, write notes or reminders, add and search contacts in Amharic, Facebook and Twitter updates, etc. It predicts what you would likely type next. Now, you can write sentences with few words. It is yours for use for free! We ar.